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Thursday, April 30, 2009

How I'm Getting Followers on Twitter

So it seems like half of the free world is on Twitter these days. I keep waiting for Grandma to email and tell me she's made it. The other night I was at a Diamondbacks game here in Arizona. One of the stadium banners had a Twitter ad and there was another Twitter ad over the P.A. system. I guess Twitter is here to stay.

Twitter is an online community that's mixed with people trying to make a buck, share something profound, be completely useless or some combination of the three. But, most people seem to have one common theme, and that is to get lots of followers.

Recently, I've had some success growing my Twitter account. My account is growing at a rate of over 150+ per day. (Check out Twitter Counter for proof.) My total follower count is still retentively low, but if this trend continues, then I should be seeing massive growth soon! So let me give you a few hints & tips on how to grow your followers.

First, you really need to buy Twitter Traffic Machine. I can't begin to explain how valuable this is. Put it this way, when I started using Twitter Traffic Machine, I had about 1500 followers. A week later, I had 1,000 more! That brought my Twitter follower count to only 2,500. That's a 40% growth of followers in 1 week. Not bad. I can't stress it enough, buy Twitter Traffic Machine. If you want to have a bunch of followers, it's worth the small investment ($27.00)

Next, follow some sort of strategic schedule. My week goes something like this:

Sunday: Follow about 500 people (Below, I'll list ways to follow people easily without having to click on the follow button a million times)
Monday: Same, follow about 500 people
Tuesday: Follow about 500
Wednesday: Follow about 500
Thursday: Do not follow anyone! Just Tweet. have conversations with people. @reply to strategic people who are not following you, but you'd like them to. I also use Tweet Later and schedule Tweets to be sent during the upcoming week. This is a great way to put your marketing on auto-pilot.
Friday: Same as Thursday.
Saturday: Unfollow everyone who isn't following me. Here is the best tool I've found for that: Karma

Finally, there are tons of tools to use to help you be more effective with Twitter. Here are a few cool sites for you to try out. Use these well and you'll grow your own little Twitter Empire in no time!

Twitter Traffic Machine - Again, well work the investment. Get it!
Tweet Later - Easy to use system that will allow you to automate twitter. I suggest buying the professional package.
Easy Tweet
Twollow - Easy site to find followers within your niche.
Twellow - Good directory service. be sure to place yourself in all 10 categories allotted to you.
TwitSeeker - Another easy tool to find like minded Tweeters

Hope this all helps. Now it's your turn. What works for you? What tools do you use with Twitter?


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