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Friday, April 17, 2009

Twitter Grader Review - Worth Trying

Twitter Grader is one of the dozens of free tools available to help Twitter users. Like most Twitter tools, it's pretty easy to use and seems to be aimed at everyone's #1 goal on Twitter......GETTING LOTS OF FOLLOWERS! But, there is more to Twitter Grader than meets the eye.

Let's start with the basics. When you first go to www.twittergrader.com (or http://twitter.grader.com/) a very simple & clean looking interface is presented asking you to enter your Twitter username. Once you do, the grader is off and running a few few quirky, yet funny phrases while you wait. Once the 'grading' is complete, the following screen will appear.

Tons of information is returned to you. It's very easy to read & use. A few highlights:
Tweet Cloud: Located towards the middle of the screen. This shows commonly user words in your Tweets with the most commonly used in larger print. This is very beneficial because its a 2 second overview of your content. Good visual way to see what you're talking about most.

Suggest Followers: This is at the bottom of your profile screen. I'm not sure how they determine this, but for the most part the list seems to be of people with similar interests based on your Twitter profile.

Other cool features are:
TwitSnip - Nifty little tool the lives in your browser. It allows you to quickly tweet content from a web page you are currently on.
TweetIt Button Creator - Very easy to use tool to create Tweet-it links for web content. (See the Tweet it Link at the end of this article)
Badge - Tool that provides html code to show your Twitter Grade or your current followers. (See right hand column of this site)

One last feature is the Twitter Elite links at the top right of the screen. This shows top rated Tweeters and are organized by location. It's nice to see who is most active in different areas of the world. Also, if you want to be the best, you need to do what the best are doing. Here are the account this site feels are top rated on Twitter. Spend some time studying what they do.

A few negatives about the site.....The grading doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. There seems to be a world of difference between someone who ranks at 98.6 versus 99.0. It seems like they get as many people as close to 100 as possible. Perhaps this is by design. Also, it occasionally will take forever to load your Twitter Grade and other information. Sometimes, it will freeze my browser (Firefox.) Occasionally, the site wil not load.

All in all, I really like this site. Check it out and use what you learn from it to continue creating your own little Twitter Empire. Go ahead and check out my stats there as well.

TweetIt from HubSpot


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