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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TwtAd Review

Review of TwtAd - Twitter income & advertising opportunity
Answering the question: does TwtAd work?

Let me say this right off the bat. You're not going to get rich off of TwtAd. But, if set up correctly, it will help you fund other online ventures!

Essentially TwtAd is a software program in which you can do 2 basic functions.

  1. Post ads through your Twitter account and make money based on how many people click on that link
  2. Advertise using TwtAd so other Tweeters will post ads for you.

TwtAd claims to be the largest Social Conversation Ad Network. As of 5/12/09: their home page states that they are advertising to 7,092,363 Twitter users.

Let's take a closer look.

If you're interested, join TwtAd here.

Making Money - Posting Links
This is very basic & easy to do. Once you create an account and then log into the TwtAd system you will then click on Post Ads. In this section, a list will appear of the advertisements that are available for you to post. Associated with each add will be a link that states that amount paid to you per click. This is generally between $ 0.025 & $ 0.10. Simply select an ad that appeals to you, click on it and then give TwtAd permission to post that ad. Immediately, it will be posted to your Twitter account.

That's it. It's really that simple. One word of caution here......please be sure to select ads that are in line with your online brand. For example, I brand myself and an online entrepreneur. It would be foolish of me to advertise a Weight Loss product through my Twitter account; unless of course it is something that is very personal to me. As always with Twitter, be careful what you post. Don't chase away followers by SPAMing.

TwtAd has a very basis daily report showing how many times individuals have clicked on your links and how much you earned of those clicks.

Also, be sure to read the terms & conditions. The organization seems to be serious about SPAM and Click Fraud, which certainly is refreshing. Also, they have rules on how often you can post ads.

Once you reach a certain level, TwtAd will pay you via PayPal.

Spread Your Word - Advertise
Advertising is simple and seems to be effective. There are 2 ways to advertise. You can do so via Cost per click (CPC) or Cost per Thousand Followers (CPT). CPC is pretty self explanatory. TwtAd explains CPT as follows: "For a CPT ad, you pay for each tweet based on the number of per 1000 followers of the Twitter user posting your ad. Assume you specify a CPT of $0.50 and allow users with 500+ followers to post your ad. If a user with 650 followers posts your ad, you will be charged $0.50x650/1000 = $0.33 for the tweet."

Essentially, creating ads for both CPC & CPT are the same. Step 1 is to fund your account. You can do this with PayPal or Credit Card. The minimum buy is $50. Once funded, you can then create an ad. Here you will select a URL that you wish to drive traffic to. Then, craft the Title & Tweet that you will have others post for you. You determine the cost per click. This can be as much as $0.99. (Highest I've seen is $0.10) Next, determine the target countries you want your message to be sent too. Finally, if you choose you can determine a budget for that specific message.

Determining if this is a good investment is completely up to you, but I think it would be worth a shot. Let's run some math.

Let's assume that you fund TwtAd with $50 and you will pay $0.05 per click. That means that you will generate 1,000 clicks to your site. That's great! Good luck doing that with Google Ads. Assume that 1% of those 1,000 visitors bought a $10.00 product from you. (10 people x $10 = $100). You just generated $100 worth of revenue and made a $50 profit. Congratulations, you just doubled your money!

Now for purposes of full discourse, I haven't tried this yet. Maybe it won't work. But, I do think its work the risk!

If you are interested, join TwtAd here.

Affiliate Program
Additionally, TwtAd has an easy to use Referral program. In my opinion, this is the real income opportunity in TwtAd. If you refer others to TwtAd, you will receive 20% of their earnings for life. You can advertise this in many ways including sending Tweets, emailing your list, blogging, Google Ads and more. Also, TwtAd provides 2 banners to choose from:

The Bottom Line
I suggest trying TwtAd. The Ad Post program is free. In fact, you'll make a few bucks. The advertising portion seems like a good investment. Affiliate program is easy to use. Ultimately, I suggest giving this a shot. Go for it.

If you're interested, it is available here.

TweetIt from HubSpot


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