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Friday, June 19, 2009

Tips to manage Business & Life

If you're like most entrepreneurs, you have more to do than time to do it. Let’s face it, that’s part of the thrill of entrepreneurship, but it’s also a major downfall.

I've found that too many entrepreneurs get so wrapped up in their businesses, and forget to take care of the other aspects of their lives. (Stop & think, how many overweight entrepreneurs do you know? ) When you focus too much on your business a lot of negative effects result. Families are neglected, friends are lost, and the physical and mental health of the small business owner declines. (Just to name a few.)

So here are some tips for being able to successfully manage your business & your life:

  • Automate your business- I love business automation! It's the best kept secret in the business world. Too many entrepreneurs I work with aren't automating. They are doing everything manually. You've got to stop this! When you put your business on auto-pilot you have more time for other things.
Here are three easy to use automation tools to try:
  1. For your Business
  2. For Twitter
  3. Website Design
  • Put systems into place. If you repeatedly do something the same way, you'll make few mistakes. In other words, it becomes a habit. Write a list of everything that you do. Figure out a process for everything you do. Then follow it religiously.
  • Be More educated. Working smarter could mean working less. Spend time taking classes & reading books about your industry. You will learn tips on how to be more effective. Click here to view useful educational products.
  • Take time for you. Believe it or not, taking a day off can add to your productivity. Your health improve, your personal life will be happier and you'll be more focused when working.
  • Go home- set a time schedule for yourself. Schedule the number of hours you will work and stick to that plan.
  • Set your priorities- Every day, create a task list & prioritize the list. Do your most important products first. One word of advice, be sure sure to add time with friends and family as a top priority.
Follow these tips you'll be more product and will have more of your precious time back.

One final thought, remember; nobody ever lay on their deathbed wishing they had spent more time at the office!

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