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Friday, June 19, 2009

Rich Schefren & Stephen Pierce Seminar

Some exciting news.....There is a marketing and business building seminar being held June 26 -27 in Los Angeles, featuring world-renowned author and speaker Michael Gerber, business genius and marketing phenomenon Rich Schefren, “World’s #1 Wealth Advocate”, Stephen Pierce, and sales and marketing automation experts from Infusionsoft that will rock your world and make you look at your business in an entirely new way.

Are you a slave to your business, working 80 plus hours a week and not having the results that you want? This is the place to be to get off that treadmill and learn the secrets many businesses are using to automate many of your most time consuming tasks and ending the riddle of follow up with customers and prospects.

You will see how implementing just a couple of these strategies will give you more time in the day, and picking up new customers quickly and easily with the magic of automation!

The seminar is not free, but admission is set at an embarrassingly low $199 per person. With an admission fee, you weed out tire kickers, seminar junkies and the like, and the attendees are people you would actually WANT to meet and network with.

There are only a very finite number of seats available so register NOW.

Register Here

The exact location will only be given to people who register. It will be in LA at one of the larger hotels near LAX, that’s the only hint we can give!

You are going to see, hear, and learn:

• How ‘set it and forget it’ automation strategies will deliver more new customers in a month than you now get all year.
• How to ‘re-activate’ you dead list and find value where you thought there was none.
• The single most important ‘number’ you MUST know and use in your business – there is a 98% probability that you are NOT using it now.
• 4 break through strategies to make your business immune to the recession and current market conditions in your business area.
• And so much more!

Many entrepreneurs can fall into the ‘blaming the economy’ for all your problems, and become a self-fulfilling prophesy where you can begin accepting poor sales and profitability. I guarantee after attending this seminar, you will never feel that way again.

So while this is fresh in your mind, register now!

Register Here

This is a rare opportunity to learn from the masters themselves….people who run businesses NOW and not in their dimmest memories…..who can provide you with easy-to-use tools to completely re-invent your business plan and results!

P.S. A FREE lunch will be provided for both days of the seminar!

Register Here

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