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Friday, June 19, 2009

An Unplanned Infusionsoft Roadtrip

I spent the past few days on an amazing road trip with my family. We visited tons of little towns and tourist spots in Utah. Little did I know that it would turn into an entrepreneurial voyage which taught me more about the small businesses in America.

Many of the people we visited were entrepreneurs. We visited a house painter, a small business marketing expert, a nutrition product reseller, an artist and the marketing director for a small chemical business. Some of these were long time friends while others are new faces.

It’s always fun and refreshing for me to meet with entrepreneurs. I love their can-do attitude. They always seem to be working through challenges & obstacles, rather than letting life run them. They lead great lives. This doesn’t mean that they are all rich, but rather they are all fulfilled with what life has to offer.

I made a point with each visit to ask each what their biggest challenges in business were. Each had the same answer; they are good at what they do, but they have no idea how to market themselves or their businesses. Their follow up ranged from non-existent to minimal. They needed help, but as with most entrepreneurs they had little extra finances to hire the necessary assistance.

This lead to many good conversations about Infusionsoft. Infusionsoft combines CRM, email marketing and ecommerce into one system. But, the real magic is in the automatic follow-up engine. It makes it easy for entrepreneurs to fix their follow up failure. I was able to coach these friends on how to properly follow-up with each prospect & customer, without taking time away from their core business functions.

All were very interested in what Infusionsoft had to offer. I was excited to help my friends grow their businesses through Infusionsoft!

This wasn't intended to be a work trip, but I’m sure glad it turned into one. I guess that's what happens when you love and live your work.

Entrepreneurship is not only the back bone, but also the heart & soul of American business.

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