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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What Are You Doing About The Economy?

I'm often asked how I'm doing in this economy. A better question is what I'm doing about this economy. Well, I'm certainly not sitting around waiting for IT to happen to ME. Instead, I'm working on making this stretch of history a successful one for me. You can too! Don't just sit around and wait for life to happen to you. Instead, be an active participant and make life happen for you. You thoughts & actions are the most important things that you've got. Let the world do what it wants. What really matter is what you are doing about it.

So, with that being said, here are things that I am doing because of the economy:

  • Focus more on what matters most - What matters most in your business & life? Are you focusing most of your time on that, or do you get caught doing things that don't really matter in the big picture. Every other point listed below has to do with me focusing on what matters most.
  • Read More - I read as much as I can. Someone recently suggested reading more children's books. So I have. These little stories often teach powerful messages in easy to understand ways. Example: The Little Engine that Could.
  • Canceled my cable - GASP! How are you living you may ask? No, this wasn't for financial reasons. Instead it was one of my wife's 'little experiments' that has lasted for nearly a year. No cable means more time to do other stuff like; play with the kids, talk to my wife, read, work, relax, exercise, and have fun! I've never understood the point of staring at the TV for hours watching actors fulfill their dreams and not working on fulfilling my dreams. Try it. TURN OFF THE TV!
  • Spending more time with family - I took an amazing family road trip this summer. It turned into an entrepreneurial voyage. (Click here to read more about it) Everyday though I make a point to spend a few minutes doing what every my kids want to do, not what I want them to do. Today it was going to the gas station to get Slurpees.
  • Work smarter - I'm working on automating everything I possibly can. This allows my systems to take care of the mindless task and for me to focus on what are the most critical ones. This past week I’ve worked on ways to automate staying in touch with new customers.
  • Taking more time to learn - In rough times you have to work harder & smarter than everyone else. In my business, I've spent a fair amount of time studying the principles taught in the Infusionsoft Double Your Sales Coaching Program. This has helped me in my business building efforts. Learn everything you possible can about what it is that you do. You can never learn enough!
  • Work on Social Media - Hate to say it kids, but Twitter, Facebook & MySpace are here to stay. You ought to at least take a look. Business is happening in these online forums. Case in point: I closed a deal this past week that was introduced to me through Twitter. This isn't just for teenagers.
  • Plan - Everyone knows the benefits of planning and the pains of not planning. So why are you planning every single day, week & month yet? Your plan doesn't even have to be the right plan. According to Michael Gerber in The E-Myth "any plan is better than no plan."
  • Working on Self-discipline - Each of us has habits we should break and others we should start. Now's a good time to do that. I challenge you to create 1 new habit in your life every month for the rest of the year. That means you'll have 5 new habits before the dawn of 2010. May not seem like a lot, but it is. I can be easy things like to stop swearing, drinking 1 cup of coffee instead of 5 each day, telling your wife every day you love her, hugging your kids, etc. This isn't rocket science, just simple ways to improve your life.
  • Write More - Writing is still one of the most effective means to getting your message out. However few entrepreneurs spend the time writing. Have a blog, write on it frequently and be sure to give good value to your readers. Post what you write online. If you're good, people will read it and want to take part in what you do.
  • Give - Be charitable. Nothing helps you gain good karma than by giving. It doesn't have to be money. Give time, stuff you don't use, ideas. Heck, this week I'm giving blood.
  • Minimize - Historically, I've been involved in a few business ventures at the same time, thinking this was the entrepreneurial way. Not true! Instead, I've minimized into 1 business focus. This has simplified my life, improved my results in that business and has made me happier. Life is much easier and more fulfilling now. Pick one venture and focus on that now.
My point in writing this is to ensure that you are not of of those types who is letting life happen to them. My newest and biggest pet peeves in life is having people say things like, well in this economy, or because of today's economic climate, or you can't expect to be happy in today's world. Get over it! Yes, I realize that there are issues out there, but you CAN and MUST do something about it. Don't let the economy bring you down. Instead, find ways to use it to your advantage. Hard times are an excellent excuse to get better.

What are you doing about the economy? Tell us your stories & experiences.


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